Discussing an important topic right in the intersection of instrumental and epistemic rationality: figuring out which kinds of sources of knowledge we might be able to trust.
Including a thorough list of various considerations related to the question.
Something that could have made the post even better, would have been if it was a more engaging: a long listing of different considerations makes for somewhat dull reading, and I easily found myself starting to skim rather than actually paying attention to everything.
Curated this post for:
Discussing an important topic right in the intersection of instrumental and epistemic rationality: figuring out which kinds of sources of knowledge we might be able to trust.
Including a thorough list of various considerations related to the question.
Something that could have made the post even better, would have been if it was a more engaging: a long listing of different considerations makes for somewhat dull reading, and I easily found myself starting to skim rather than actually paying attention to everything.