What about: “you’d have to stretch the meaning of scientific understanding pretty far to claim that early 21st-century people speculating about reanimating the dead with uploading understood what they were talking about.”
I could easily see the people who figure out whole brain emulation saying the same of us.
Nah. I can see the scanning procedure needed for whole brain emulation turning out to require some unspecified technology that’s way too difficult for 21st-century science, or Moore’s Law running out of steam before we reach the densities needed to do the actual emulation, but either one would be a Verne-type error; I can’t see a category error on the order of electrical impulse ⇒ true resurrection happening unless we’re very badly wrong about some very fundamental features of how the brain works.
What about: “you’d have to stretch the meaning of scientific understanding pretty far to claim that early 21st-century people speculating about reanimating the dead with uploading understood what they were talking about.”
I could easily see the people who figure out whole brain emulation saying the same of us.
Nah. I can see the scanning procedure needed for whole brain emulation turning out to require some unspecified technology that’s way too difficult for 21st-century science, or Moore’s Law running out of steam before we reach the densities needed to do the actual emulation, but either one would be a Verne-type error; I can’t see a category error on the order of electrical impulse ⇒ true resurrection happening unless we’re very badly wrong about some very fundamental features of how the brain works.