my secondary goal was to be as specific as I could.
If by “specific” you mean something like, “crisp and unambiguously able to be judged as resolving either yea or nay”, you could sharpen these up more. They feel closer to being maxims, and more driven by the desire to not be laughable in 10yrs rather than the desire to be clear predictions. Eg:
An investor friend of mine said, “I think ETH had tons of exciting tech potential a few years ago, but little enough is being done on it that I don’t really see how it will keep its valuation unless there’s a new building boom or it happens to slide into store-of-value territory with BTC.”
Sounds plausible to me. In 2015 I was really confident that we would have at least one good platform for prediction markets by now. Augur is bad and polymarket is okay. I have to admit that I have been chronically overoptimistic.
What is “bad”. What is “okay”. I don’t know that much about Eth’s development process, but most projects move fast when they’re young and obscure and slower when they’re incumbents and have lots of value already embodied in them—competitors to Eth can be expected to experience similar dynamics, whether they surpass Eth or not.
I feel more than 75% confident that in 10 years, a majority of my friends’ and my family members are personally relying on at least one smart contract, even if they don’t deeply understand it or interact with it directly.
What does “relying on” mean—they use an app that in someway interacts with a bChain? They use an app that interacts with an app that uses a bChain? Etc..
Seconded. After the header “here are my claims” I read through two scroll-downs before coming to something phrased as a claim (rather than background assumption)
If by “specific” you mean something like, “crisp and unambiguously able to be judged as resolving either yea or nay”, you could sharpen these up more. They feel closer to being maxims, and more driven by the desire to not be laughable in 10yrs rather than the desire to be clear predictions. Eg:
What is “bad”. What is “okay”. I don’t know that much about Eth’s development process, but most projects move fast when they’re young and obscure and slower when they’re incumbents and have lots of value already embodied in them—competitors to Eth can be expected to experience similar dynamics, whether they surpass Eth or not.
What does “relying on” mean—they use an app that in someway interacts with a bChain? They use an app that interacts with an app that uses a bChain? Etc..
Seconded. After the header “here are my claims” I read through two scroll-downs before coming to something phrased as a claim (rather than background assumption)