“Very good” in the sense that it’s entertaining or “seems” insightful, or in the sense that you have a ton of real-world experience with diverse organizations that it nicely summarizes?
(I was moderately well-acquainted with the sort of cynical view of organizations presented in The Gervais Principle, etc. when I started working at larger software companies and found that they were a lot more effective than it implied.)
It improved the organization and integration of things I already believed related to the links Costanza posted. I do not have real world experience making predictions using its guidelines.
You could check out Wikipedia on public choice theory and organizational theory .
For a more humorous approach, you could read The Peter Principle . You could also check out Jerry Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy .
The Gervais Principle is also very good along those lines.
“Very good” in the sense that it’s entertaining or “seems” insightful, or in the sense that you have a ton of real-world experience with diverse organizations that it nicely summarizes?
(I was moderately well-acquainted with the sort of cynical view of organizations presented in The Gervais Principle, etc. when I started working at larger software companies and found that they were a lot more effective than it implied.)
It improved the organization and integration of things I already believed related to the links Costanza posted. I do not have real world experience making predictions using its guidelines.