So I asked him, “In the least convenient possible world, the one where everyone was genetically compatible with everyone else and this objection was invalid, what would you do?”
Obviously, you wait for one of the sick patients to die, and use that person’s organs to save the others, letting the healthy traveler go on his way. ;)
But that isn’t the least convenient possible world—the least convenient one is actually the one in which the traveler is compatible with all the sick people, but the sick people are not compatible with each other.
Obviously, you wait for one of the sick patients to die, and use that person’s organs to save the others, letting the healthy traveler go on his way. ;)
But that isn’t the least convenient possible world—the least convenient one is actually the one in which the traveler is compatible with all the sick people, but the sick people are not compatible with each other.
Actually, you don’t even need to add that additional complexity to make the world sufficiently inconvenient.
If the rest of the patients are sufficiently sick, their organs may not really be suitable for use as transplants, right?