Can you recommend a good textbook for QM or general relativity? I took an introductory modern physics course in college, so I have a decent feel for special relativity and know a bit of QM (the Schroedinger equation and applying it to the hydrogen atom) but I’d like to see a bit more of the real meat of the subject. I want the technical explanation, not just words; I don’t really understand it until I see the equations.
Also, any recommended reading in economics to go beyond my Econ 101 textbook (which, interestingly enough, is the most effective piece of propaganda I’ve ever read)?
Can you recommend a good textbook for QM or general relativity? I took an introductory modern physics course in college, so I have a decent feel for special relativity and know a bit of QM (the Schroedinger equation and applying it to the hydrogen atom) but I’d like to see a bit more of the real meat of the subject. I want the technical explanation, not just words; I don’t really understand it until I see the equations.
Also, any recommended reading in economics to go beyond my Econ 101 textbook (which, interestingly enough, is the most effective piece of propaganda I’ve ever read)?
Intermediate Microeconomics by Hal Varian. It is the next step up from introductory texts and is as mainstream as you can get.