For what it’s worth, I am re-reading HPMOR as a read-aloud to my very-into canon!HP child (with very minor bowdlerizing) and I have found the most easy/comfortable way to read it has been to download one of the EPUB files that people have put together over the years, and then read it using my e-reader app of choice.
That way, I control the way the text looks, it easily saves my place down to a very small subsection of a chapter, and it’s future proof; even if all of the LW expanded universe goes away, nothing will happen to the already-downloaded EPUB .
Which is another gripe: prominently linked the epub/moby/pdf versions, while the trashed version makes no reference to their existence anymore.
For what it’s worth, I am re-reading HPMOR as a read-aloud to my very-into canon!HP child (with very minor bowdlerizing) and I have found the most easy/comfortable way to read it has been to download one of the EPUB files that people have put together over the years, and then read it using my e-reader app of choice.
That way, I control the way the text looks, it easily saves my place down to a very small subsection of a chapter, and it’s future proof; even if all of the LW expanded universe goes away, nothing will happen to the already-downloaded EPUB .
Which is another gripe: prominently linked the epub/moby/pdf versions, while the trashed version makes no reference to their existence anymore.
Retracted given that it turns out this wasn’t a deliberate migration.