That sounds very dangerous for your values. For company, just branching yourself and drastically limiting but not zeroing the amount of contact between the branches while having them read different books and doing different tasks and maybe having small differences in settings should be enough to make your brain register it as a different person and have it fulfil the need for social contact.
Yeah, this is more or less what I would do. I don’t think explicit modifications would even be necessary… the simple existence of others would, I think, be enough to drive me in multiple different directions.
That sounds very dangerous for your values. For company, just branching yourself and drastically limiting but not zeroing the amount of contact between the branches while having them read different books and doing different tasks and maybe having small differences in settings should be enough to make your brain register it as a different person and have it fulfil the need for social contact.
Yeah, this is more or less what I would do. I don’t think explicit modifications would even be necessary… the simple existence of others would, I think, be enough to drive me in multiple different directions.