Still, I know I read somewhere about intuitives using a lot of their energy on reflection, and so I gathered that that kind of dual-action might explain part of the reason why someone would talk about ‘qualia’ as something you are ‘aware’ of as it happens. I mean, if most of one’s energy is focused on a process not directly visible/tangible to one’s ‘sense perception’, I don’t see why people wouldn’t feel that there was something separate from their sense perception alone. Whereas with sensors, and it being flipped, it seems more reasonable to assume that since the direct sense perceptions are heavily focused on, the ‘invisible/intangible’ process gets more easily disregarded.
The thing is, there have been instances where I didn’t ‘feel’ my usual way around qualia. In situations that were very physical demanding, repetitive or very painful/dangerous, I was definitely ‘awake’, but I just ‘was’. These situations are pretty far between, so it isn’t something that I’m that familiar with—but I’m pretty certain that if I was in that space most of the time, and probably learned how to maneuver things there better—I would no longer talk about being in Camp 2, but in Camp 1.
I would be very surprised if I could see the color Phi phenomenon, as I just think that I would have noticed it already. But, as with many such things, maybe it simply is hidden in plain sight?
Thanks for the answer,
Still, I know I read somewhere about intuitives using a lot of their energy on reflection, and so I gathered that that kind of dual-action might explain part of the reason why someone would talk about ‘qualia’ as something you are ‘aware’ of as it happens.
I mean, if most of one’s energy is focused on a process not directly visible/tangible to one’s ‘sense perception’, I don’t see why people wouldn’t feel that there was something separate from their sense perception alone. Whereas with sensors, and it being flipped, it seems more reasonable to assume that since the direct sense perceptions are heavily focused on, the ‘invisible/intangible’ process gets more easily disregarded.
The thing is, there have been instances where I didn’t ‘feel’ my usual way around qualia. In situations that were very physical demanding, repetitive or very painful/dangerous, I was definitely ‘awake’, but I just ‘was’. These situations are pretty far between, so it isn’t something that I’m that familiar with—but I’m pretty certain that if I was in that space most of the time, and probably learned how to maneuver things there better—I would no longer talk about being in Camp 2, but in Camp 1.
I would be very surprised if I could see the color Phi phenomenon, as I just think that I would have noticed it already. But, as with many such things, maybe it simply is hidden in plain sight?