It looks like Flyvbjerg’s article focusses on characterising risky elements of megaprojects, rather than their failure modes. The two could be conflated, but the framing is perhaps more suited to action in the podcast. Honestly though, I found the article entirely uncompelling on a mere skim, despite, great interest in the topic, and have yet to listen to the podcast, so I could be way off.
Does it cover anything beyond “What You Should Know About Megaprojects and Why: An Overview”, Flyvbjerg 2014?
It looks like Flyvbjerg’s article focusses on characterising risky elements of megaprojects, rather than their failure modes. The two could be conflated, but the framing is perhaps more suited to action in the podcast. Honestly though, I found the article entirely uncompelling on a mere skim, despite, great interest in the topic, and have yet to listen to the podcast, so I could be way off.