Does anyone have experience or information about continuous glucose monitoring from “January AI”? glucose monitoring system-b&gclid=Cj0KCQjwl9GCBhDvARIsAFunhsk1iEFoN8X0QJGsifMUTKgcjuTmDwUzLaOuqN-sXsa2wiYHtzcReTwaAtLSEALw_wcB
It looks like this is a software product; they aren’t making CGMs, they’re reselling the Freestyle Libre. There’s nothing wrong with writing data-analysis software for CGM data, but this kind of software is a fairly commoditized, low-value high-competition market, especially in comparison to the CGM hardware market, which makes billions of dollars a year in revenue. Their marketing presentation seems like it’s trying to obfuscate this distinction.
Maybe it would help if you shared what you’ve been able to find out so far?
[This is what I’ve found so far:]
What is January.AI?
It seems to be some sort of continuous glucose monitor
Possibly relevant discussion:
[todo: summarize findings, find more discussion]
r/diabetes wiki on glucose monitors:
Any known comparisons or experience with glucose trackers “Levels Health” vs “January AI” vs “Nutrisense IO” vs “Signos
Tracking blood sugar to improve eating habits (not diabetic)
18 blood glucose meters ranked by accuracy
Anyone try a continuous blood glucose monitor?
Interested in learning about your experiences with Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) such as Libre and Dexcom.