This question has been asked, but I will ask again. In light of the upcoming meetups everywhere, I thought it would be a good idea to compile a list of ice breaker questions, so we can make it easier for people to start conversations.
A few questions that have worked well for me:
What do you think about when you’re not thinking about work?
How did you get into ACX/SSC/LW/EA?
What’s something you’ve been putting lots of effort in recently?
Any other prompts?
What is the most rational way to break ice?
What fascinates you?
Which topics are not talked about enough, given how interesting/important they are?
Which question has been bugging you recently?
What would a society populated only by copies of you do that this one doesn’t?
Which recommendation-worthy piece of fiction is under-recommended/not recommended at all?
Which blog posts would you write if you had the time/energy to?
How do you structure a typical day/week/month/ year?
In which direction are you currently steering your life?
What was one of your most meaningful belief changes in the last year?