Was the same for me. As I’m a text person I started to write minimal time tracking in a text file with an absolute minimum format: date stamps and time stamps at any point. A parser for that is trivial: Advance a clock at the stamps. use consistent prefixes and you can sort by text. Add a running sum. Done. I have one window with the text file open at all time. It also contains the todo list right below the now point. No UI tool can beat that.
Was the same for me. As I’m a text person I started to write minimal time tracking in a text file with an absolute minimum format: date stamps and time stamps at any point. A parser for that is trivial: Advance a clock at the stamps. use consistent prefixes and you can sort by text. Add a running sum. Done. I have one window with the text file open at all time. It also contains the todo list right below the now point. No UI tool can beat that.
ADDED: Old comment about this: http://lesswrong.com/lw/iug/timelogging_programs_andor_spreadsheets/