Duly updated on worthwhileness of trying harder here :). Interesting story from Andrew (know him). I do what you do with writing for reading, doing if for writing is a great tip, thanks.
Another thing that might be interesting to try is creating associations to “states” memory-palace style. I’m an audiobook fiend and I noticed that places I walk in Manhattan often remind me of the exact place and feeling of the book I listened too there. Maybe this can be leveraged to proactively bookmark states.
Duly updated on worthwhileness of trying harder here :). Interesting story from Andrew (know him). I do what you do with writing for reading, doing if for writing is a great tip, thanks.
Another thing that might be interesting to try is creating associations to “states” memory-palace style. I’m an audiobook fiend and I noticed that places I walk in Manhattan often remind me of the exact place and feeling of the book I listened too there. Maybe this can be leveraged to proactively bookmark states.