I added a link to the blog post. Here is an extract:
There are a lot of ways to gain control over your mental posture. Changing your environment will often do it. You can become less distracted, for example, by reducing external stimuli (turning off the television, drawing the blinds, and so forth). You can change your physical posture: Take a deep breath and relax your body as you exhale. Did your mind relax? You can alter your mind’s biochemical substrate with drugs, food, exercise, and sleep. You can use urge propagation. Or you can use imagination: For the next twenty seconds, close your eyes and remember as vividly as possible a recent time when you felt joyous. (I’ll wait.) Can you see a little bit of a joyous cast, now, as you read on?
And then I began to practice the introductory version of my kata.
Simulate confusion vividly enough to actually feel it and notice it as confusion
In accordance with the trigger-action plan, activate curiosity propagator
Let whatever results from the propagator begin a brief meditation on curiosity
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I added a link to the blog post. Here is an extract: