So if two rationalists that share a large common knowledge base and strongly disagree there is a higher probability the disagreement arises from irrationality on one or both parts and it is therefore a good idea to discuss the topic further to isolate the irrationality and correct it.
I followed along with the premises there cheerfully enough but put approximately the opposite conclusion after the ‘therefore’. I want to speak to people who have a lot of knowledge that I don’t have and are rational, not people who know the same stuff that I do but can’t think straight.
It’s far more useful to learn new stuff from people than to try to fix broken ones.
Given that you are not perfectly rational along with everyone else, if you and another rationalist are in a discussion and he/she realize that you are irrational on a particular narrow topic what action would you advocate if not help you become more rational by at least pointing out your irrationality?
This idea is important to me because it seems like the best way to increase the rational population. Which makes my life better and th life of my descendants better.
edit: Also the op was original taking about an unimportant topic that was only with taking about for a small amount of time. So a large data transfer is not possible in this case and why it is not possible to resolve the disagreement. For topics/problems worth spending time on it is of course very valable to share knowledge with other rationalists.
Pardon me, I just finished writing an extended reply here then lost it when I bumped the mouse. Since I was rather pleased with the comment it would be rather frustrating to reconstruct it. (What sort of silly web browser doesn’t keep text areas populated in the back cache? Lame.)
I understand your pain. Chrome I think is one example, at least for it does not have this problem with all websites. I now have ctl-a ctl-c in muscle memory to prevent such pain.
I followed along with the premises there cheerfully enough but put approximately the opposite conclusion after the ‘therefore’. I want to speak to people who have a lot of knowledge that I don’t have and are rational, not people who know the same stuff that I do but can’t think straight.
It’s far more useful to learn new stuff from people than to try to fix broken ones.
Given that you are not perfectly rational along with everyone else, if you and another rationalist are in a discussion and he/she realize that you are irrational on a particular narrow topic what action would you advocate if not help you become more rational by at least pointing out your irrationality?
This idea is important to me because it seems like the best way to increase the rational population. Which makes my life better and th life of my descendants better.
edit: Also the op was original taking about an unimportant topic that was only with taking about for a small amount of time. So a large data transfer is not possible in this case and why it is not possible to resolve the disagreement. For topics/problems worth spending time on it is of course very valable to share knowledge with other rationalists.
Pardon me, I just finished writing an extended reply here then lost it when I bumped the mouse. Since I was rather pleased with the comment it would be rather frustrating to reconstruct it. (What sort of silly web browser doesn’t keep text areas populated in the back cache? Lame.)
I understand your pain. Chrome I think is one example, at least for it does not have this problem with all websites. I now have ctl-a ctl-c in muscle memory to prevent such pain.
Ditto. I started doing that a long time ago, no matter what the browser.