That’s ridiculous and insulting. If she reacts differently to your other identity, it’s because your other identity has acted differently. And if you want a person to like you, then circulating a petition saying bad things about them, as you are doing now, is among the very worst things you could do.
Furthermore, creating an alternate identity and interacting with Alicorn under it is extremely threatening behavior; it demonstrates both an unhealthy obsession and a willingness to deceive.
Furthermore, creating an alternate identity and interacting with Alicorn under it is extremely threatening behavior; it demonstrates both an unhealthy obsession and a willingness to deceive.
I think you could really benefit from a hot cup of “get some perspective”. Despite all the flak I get for characterizing Alicorn et al’s reactions to me as calling them “atrocities” and “terrorism”, it’s comments like yours here that show that people really dive into the hyperbole when talking about what I did.
“Extremely threatening behavior”? Um, hello? I don’t know who Alicorn is, or what she looks like, and only sketchy information about where I’d find her. If you believe that anything about my behavior here, anything whatsoever, is “extremely threatening”, then start acting like it—go get the police involved, since you think such a severe threat is going on.
And after the police laugh in your face, you could take a deep breath, drop the hyperbole, and stop looking for reasons to smear me. Sound like a plan?
It’s easy to throw off a damaging, irresponsible allegation that someone else is dangerous. The hard part is to actually substantiate that chest-beating. And it’s yet harder to unring the great “evil” bell you’ve just rung over my head. An apology is in order—but I’ve learned long ago not to expect that, from anyone here, once they’ve comitted to a position publicly.
Very true. And since I was the one giving you a hard time for the “atrocity” and “terrorism” remarks, I feel bound to point out that accusing you of “extremely threatening behavior” is not only hyperbolic, but also more damaging to discourse because it amounts to accusing you of a crime. Definitely not cool.
“threatening” doesn’t necessarily imply threats of violence or criminality, it can simply refer to threats of further harassment.
But how about we remove the word “threatening” and replace it with plain ole “creepy”.
creating an alternate identity and interacting with Alicorn under it is extremely creepy behavior; it demonstrates both an unhealthy obsession and a willingness to deceive.
It would be creepy for someone to create an alternative identity and use it to interact intentionally with Alicorn in a way that they couldn’t with their original identify.
OK. I have no idea what Silas did, beyond what’s been said in this thread. I was just trying to rephrase the statement in a way that removed the connotation of criminality that was alleged to be embedded in the word “threatening”
That’s ridiculous and insulting. If she reacts differently to your other identity, it’s because your other identity has acted differently.
But when this identity acts like that identity, somehow, that’s not enough to change her reaction! Go fig.
And if you want a person to like you, then circulating a petition saying bad things about them, as you are doing now....
What a crock. Even when the comment was up (which it hasn’t been for 15+ minutes), it wasn’t doing that. But I guess deleted comments are the easiest targets for misrepresentation.
Seriously, are you capable of having all the facts before you criticize someone? Is that just not in your job description?
Furthermore, creating an alternate identity and interacting with Alicorn under it is extremely threatening behavior; it demonstrates both an unhealthy obsession and a willingness to deceive.
Except a) I didn’t seek to “interact with Alicorn”. Rather, Miss “I’m terrified of Jocaste” replied to Oedipus’s mother!
b) alternate screennames, in and of themselves, are acceptable behavior on LW and do not count as deception for the numerous justifiable reasons for using them.
Wait, I forgot—this is Silas we’re talking about. Screw the rules.
Ok, there’s some unfortunate timing here in that I saw and replied to the post above without knowing that it was deleted. I infer from the fact that you deleted it, that you realized the subtext was saying something you didn’t mean to say. So, I applaud your discretion and will delete my criticisms in the grandparent. I also had wrongly assumed that you had used your alternate identity to post replies to Alicorn rather than the other way around, which would have very different significance.
I do think you ought to take a lesson from Prof Quirrell on backing down gracefully, though.
That’s ridiculous and insulting. If she reacts differently to your other identity, it’s because your other identity has acted differently. And if you want a person to like you, then circulating a petition saying bad things about them, as you are doing now, is among the very worst things you could do.
Furthermore, creating an alternate identity and interacting with Alicorn under it is extremely threatening behavior; it demonstrates both an unhealthy obsession and a willingness to deceive.
By the way, regarding this:
I think you could really benefit from a hot cup of “get some perspective”. Despite all the flak I get for characterizing Alicorn et al’s reactions to me as calling them “atrocities” and “terrorism”, it’s comments like yours here that show that people really dive into the hyperbole when talking about what I did.
“Extremely threatening behavior”? Um, hello? I don’t know who Alicorn is, or what she looks like, and only sketchy information about where I’d find her. If you believe that anything about my behavior here, anything whatsoever, is “extremely threatening”, then start acting like it—go get the police involved, since you think such a severe threat is going on.
And after the police laugh in your face, you could take a deep breath, drop the hyperbole, and stop looking for reasons to smear me. Sound like a plan?
It’s easy to throw off a damaging, irresponsible allegation that someone else is dangerous. The hard part is to actually substantiate that chest-beating. And it’s yet harder to unring the great “evil” bell you’ve just rung over my head. An apology is in order—but I’ve learned long ago not to expect that, from anyone here, once they’ve comitted to a position publicly.
Very true. And since I was the one giving you a hard time for the “atrocity” and “terrorism” remarks, I feel bound to point out that accusing you of “extremely threatening behavior” is not only hyperbolic, but also more damaging to discourse because it amounts to accusing you of a crime. Definitely not cool.
“threatening” doesn’t necessarily imply threats of violence or criminality, it can simply refer to threats of further harassment.
But how about we remove the word “threatening” and replace it with plain ole “creepy”.
Does anyone disagree with this statement?
It would be creepy for someone to create an alternative identity and use it to interact intentionally with Alicorn in a way that they couldn’t with their original identify.
But that’s not what Silas did.
OK. I have no idea what Silas did, beyond what’s been said in this thread. I was just trying to rephrase the statement in a way that removed the connotation of criminality that was alleged to be embedded in the word “threatening”
But when this identity acts like that identity, somehow, that’s not enough to change her reaction! Go fig.
What a crock. Even when the comment was up (which it hasn’t been for 15+ minutes), it wasn’t doing that. But I guess deleted comments are the easiest targets for misrepresentation.
Seriously, are you capable of having all the facts before you criticize someone? Is that just not in your job description?
Except a) I didn’t seek to “interact with Alicorn”. Rather, Miss “I’m terrified of Jocaste” replied to Oedipus’s mother!
b) alternate screennames, in and of themselves, are acceptable behavior on LW and do not count as deception for the numerous justifiable reasons for using them.
Wait, I forgot—this is Silas we’re talking about. Screw the rules.
Ok, there’s some unfortunate timing here in that I saw and replied to the post above without knowing that it was deleted. I infer from the fact that you deleted it, that you realized the subtext was saying something you didn’t mean to say. So, I applaud your discretion and will delete my criticisms in the grandparent. I also had wrongly assumed that you had used your alternate identity to post replies to Alicorn rather than the other way around, which would have very different significance.
I do think you ought to take a lesson from Prof Quirrell on backing down gracefully, though.