It is my opinion that the possibility of catastrophic ice sheet collapse should be carefully considered and studied as a real possibility.
Is it not already? I kind of assumed it was already seriously considered and studied. I do not follow climate science very closely and mostly just read what comes across my RSS feeds on the subject. I’ve heard of the possibility of catastrophic ice sheet collapse a large number of times in the last...say...5 years.
What’s the right amount of resources to expend on thinking about this?
Is my previous exposure to articles and people talking about the subject indicative of sufficient or insufficient interest and study of this possibility?
How do we assess the current amount of resources expended on the subject?
Is it not already? I kind of assumed it was already seriously considered and studied. I do not follow climate science very closely and mostly just read what comes across my RSS feeds on the subject. I’ve heard of the possibility of catastrophic ice sheet collapse a large number of times in the last...say...5 years.
What’s the right amount of resources to expend on thinking about this?
Is my previous exposure to articles and people talking about the subject indicative of sufficient or insufficient interest and study of this possibility?
How do we assess the current amount of resources expended on the subject?