Interesting—I can’t count the points on a star either (my imagination insists on zooming way in on one point when I try to count it, so zoomed-in that the other points are no longer in “sight”). But I consider myself a pretty visual thinker, and rarely do things I imagine seem fake. One of my big accomplishments this year has been learning a lot more math, and that learning started being really successful when I began trying to visually picture as many concepts as I could (like probability regions in 2d and 3d, for example).
Interesting—I can’t count the points on a star either (my imagination insists on zooming way in on one point when I try to count it, so zoomed-in that the other points are no longer in “sight”). But I consider myself a pretty visual thinker, and rarely do things I imagine seem fake. One of my big accomplishments this year has been learning a lot more math, and that learning started being really successful when I began trying to visually picture as many concepts as I could (like probability regions in 2d and 3d, for example).