Something in the way you’re asking suggests you might not really want answers. I’d be delighted to find out I’m wrong...
Well I’m mainly trying to figure out what Seth Godin’s point is. For example, his point might be that people have been brainwashed into feeling that they need to make money to buy various things. On the other hand, his point might be that people have been brainwashed into thinking that they should have a traditional 9 to 5 job. In other words, is he Ted Kozsynski? Or Carleton Sheets?
Anyway, having done a couple web searches, I gather that he is advocating entrepreneurship.
In any event, brainwashed or not, I think a lot of people—perhaps most—are actually better off working as somebody’s employee.
Well I’m mainly trying to figure out what Seth Godin’s point is. For example, his point might be that people have been brainwashed into feeling that they need to make money to buy various things. On the other hand, his point might be that people have been brainwashed into thinking that they should have a traditional 9 to 5 job. In other words, is he Ted Kozsynski? Or Carleton Sheets?
Anyway, having done a couple web searches, I gather that he is advocating entrepreneurship.
In any event, brainwashed or not, I think a lot of people—perhaps most—are actually better off working as somebody’s employee.