My genes done gone and tricked my brain By making fucking feel so great That’s how the little creeps attain Their plan to fuckin’ replicate But brain’s got tricks itself, you see To get the bang but not the bite I got this here vasectomy My genes can fuck themselves tonight.
—The r-selectors, Trunclade, quoted in Blindsight by Peter Watts
According to V. S. Ramachandran, schizophrenics lack the ability to understand or create metaphors.
I didn’t want to link to the massive time vacuum that is TV tropes, but I figured people would understand the metaphor even if they hadn’t run in to it before.
I understand metaphors. I just don’t understand why there would be a need for scale for science fiction writing. It’s much more important to be able to look up material properties.
What about a scale that tells us how much a work of fiction deals with paperclip manufacturing and resource harvesting? Surely you need some way of communicating the traditions and norms of paperclip creating to your youth.
Edit: and come to think of it wouldn’t you be interested in in fictional explorations of possible future ways of manufacturing paperclips? And wouldn’t you want to know which of those explorations was the least fantasy and most based on reasonable extrapolations from current knowledge?
What about a scale that tells us how much a work of fiction deals with paperclip manufacturing and resource harvesting?… wouldn’t you be interested in in fictional explorations of possible future ways of manufacturing paperclips? And wouldn’t you want to know which of those explorations was the least fantasy and most based on reasonable extrapolations from current knowledge?
In theory, yes. In practice, humans have very little to offer in terms of the ultra-efficient methods of paperclip production I normally use. I don’t expect any book to be rated higher than 1, if you compare to what I already have.
Surely you need some way of communicating the traditions and norms of paperclip creating to your youth.
What are you talking about? I don’t have to do biological self-replication (or sexual semi-replication at the genetic level) like humans do. I just make a perfect copy of myself. It already has all my knowledge and values.
actually it’s not that easy to see the tvtropes connection, I mean I spend quite a while on tvtropes when I go there-who doesn’t?- but in never crossed my mind that that was what you meant.
I’ve read it, and while I liked it and it gave me some things to thing about...
V’ir ernq vg. V guvax fbzr bs gur gevpxf gung gur bgure fcrpvrf chyyrq jrer n ovg dhrfgvbanoyr gb znantr jvgubhg frys njnerarff. (yvxr gur jubyr “zbir orgjrra oenva plpyrf gb or vaivfvoyr” guvat. Jbhyqa’g gung ng yrnfg erdhver fbzrguvat yvxr “vs V qba’g qb guvf, V jvyy or frra”?
Bs pbhefr, vs frys njnerarff (va fbzr frafr) naq pbafpvbhfarff pna or frcnengrq, gura lrf, V pna rnfvyl frr pbafpvbhfarff orvat fhcresyhbhf (va gur frafr bs n pyrire ercyvpngbe orvat noyr gb qb jryy jvgubhg vg). Ohg gur nhgube frrzrq gb zhfu gur gjb gbtrgure. (Naq jura gur guvatvr qvqa’g abgvpr vgfrys va gur pntr/obk/rgp… gung vg qvqa’g pbhag vgfrys nzbat gur ragvgvrf gurer, gung’f whfg fghcvq.)
—The r-selectors, Trunclade, quoted in Blindsight by Peter Watts
I highly recommend anyone interested in hard sci-fi to read Blindsight.
Ditto. On the Mohs scale of sci-fi hardness, Blindsight is aggregated diamond nanorod.
The Mohs scale is used to rank hardness of solids. It does not measure faithfulness of books to the science fiction ideal.
You’re thinking of Mohs Scale of Mineral Hardness. AngryParsley was referring to Mohs Scale of Science Fiction Hardness, neither of which should be confused with Mohs Scale of Rock and Metal Hardness.
According to V. S. Ramachandran, schizophrenics lack the ability to understand or create metaphors.
I didn’t want to link to the massive time vacuum that is TV tropes, but I figured people would understand the metaphor even if they hadn’t run in to it before.
I understand metaphors. I just don’t understand why there would be a need for scale for science fiction writing. It’s much more important to be able to look up material properties.
What about a scale that tells us how much a work of fiction deals with paperclip manufacturing and resource harvesting? Surely you need some way of communicating the traditions and norms of paperclip creating to your youth.
Edit: and come to think of it wouldn’t you be interested in in fictional explorations of possible future ways of manufacturing paperclips? And wouldn’t you want to know which of those explorations was the least fantasy and most based on reasonable extrapolations from current knowledge?
In theory, yes. In practice, humans have very little to offer in terms of the ultra-efficient methods of paperclip production I normally use. I don’t expect any book to be rated higher than 1, if you compare to what I already have.
What are you talking about? I don’t have to do biological self-replication (or sexual semi-replication at the genetic level) like humans do. I just make a perfect copy of myself. It already has all my knowledge and values.
People yes. Paperclip maximizers/office assistants no.
actually it’s not that easy to see the tvtropes connection, I mean I spend quite a while on tvtropes when I go there-who doesn’t?- but in never crossed my mind that that was what you meant.
I’ve read it, and while I liked it and it gave me some things to thing about...
V’ir ernq vg. V guvax fbzr bs gur gevpxf gung gur bgure fcrpvrf chyyrq jrer n ovg dhrfgvbanoyr gb znantr jvgubhg frys njnerarff. (yvxr gur jubyr “zbir orgjrra oenva plpyrf gb or vaivfvoyr” guvat. Jbhyqa’g gung ng yrnfg erdhver fbzrguvat yvxr “vs V qba’g qb guvf, V jvyy or frra”?
Bs pbhefr, vs frys njnerarff (va fbzr frafr) naq pbafpvbhfarff pna or frcnengrq, gura lrf, V pna rnfvyl frr pbafpvbhfarff orvat fhcresyhbhf (va gur frafr bs n pyrire ercyvpngbe orvat noyr gb qb jryy jvgubhg vg). Ohg gur nhgube frrzrq gb zhfu gur gjb gbtrgure. (Naq jura gur guvatvr qvqa’g abgvpr vgfrys va gur pntr/obk/rgp… gung vg qvqa’g pbhag vgfrys nzbat gur ragvgvrf gurer, gung’f whfg fghcvq.)
How do I decode this?
It’s ROT13 - a Caesar cipher with a period of 13, so that encipherment and decipherment are the same operation. has a decoder.
Pyvpx urer
this is awesome and I laughed at the end, I was planning on reading it actually, thanks for posting that link :)