After the initial prompt, GPT’s input is 100% self-generated
GPT has no access to plugins
GPT can’t launch processes to gather and train additional models on other forms of data
I’m not an expert in this topic, but it seems to me that “doomed” is the wrong word. LLMs aren’t the fastest or most reliable way to compute 2+2, but it is going to become trivial for them to access the tool that is the best way to perform this computation. They will be able to gather data from the outside world using these plugins. They will be able to launch fine-tuning and training processes and interact with other pre-trained models. They will be able to interact with robotics and access cloud computing resources.
LLMs strike me as analogous to the cell. Is a cell capable of vision on its own? Only in the most rudimentary sense of having photoresponsive molecules that trigger cell signals. But cells that are configured correctly can form an eye. And we know that cells have somehow been able to evolve themselves into a functioning eye. I don’t see a reason why LLMs, perhaps in combination with other software structures, can’t form an AGI with some combination of human and AI-assisted engineering.
This argument seems to depend on:
After the initial prompt, GPT’s input is 100% self-generated
GPT has no access to plugins
GPT can’t launch processes to gather and train additional models on other forms of data
I’m not an expert in this topic, but it seems to me that “doomed” is the wrong word. LLMs aren’t the fastest or most reliable way to compute 2+2, but it is going to become trivial for them to access the tool that is the best way to perform this computation. They will be able to gather data from the outside world using these plugins. They will be able to launch fine-tuning and training processes and interact with other pre-trained models. They will be able to interact with robotics and access cloud computing resources.
LLMs strike me as analogous to the cell. Is a cell capable of vision on its own? Only in the most rudimentary sense of having photoresponsive molecules that trigger cell signals. But cells that are configured correctly can form an eye. And we know that cells have somehow been able to evolve themselves into a functioning eye. I don’t see a reason why LLMs, perhaps in combination with other software structures, can’t form an AGI with some combination of human and AI-assisted engineering.