I don’t understand the problem with this sentence. Yes, the task is harder than the task of being a human (as good as a human is at that task). Many objectives that humans optimize for are also not optimized to 100%, and as such, humans also face many tasks that they would like to get better at, and so are harder than the task of simply being a human. Indeed, if you optimized an AI system on those, you would also get no guarantee that the system would end up only as competent as a human.
This is a fact about practically all tasks (including things like calculating the nth-digit of pi, or playing chess), but it is indeed a fact that lots of people get wrong.
I don’t understand the problem with this sentence. Yes, the task is harder than the task of being a human (as good as a human is at that task). Many objectives that humans optimize for are also not optimized to 100%, and as such, humans also face many tasks that they would like to get better at, and so are harder than the task of simply being a human. Indeed, if you optimized an AI system on those, you would also get no guarantee that the system would end up only as competent as a human.
This is a fact about practically all tasks (including things like calculating the nth-digit of pi, or playing chess), but it is indeed a fact that lots of people get wrong.
(I affirm this as my intended reading.)