Even formalisms like AIXI have mechanisms for long-term planning, and it is doubtful that any AI built will be merely a local optimiser that ignores what will happen in the future.
As soon as it cares about the future, the future is a part of the AI’s goal system, and the AI will want to optimize over it as well. You can make many guesses about how future AI’s will behave, but I see no reason to suspect it would be small-minded and short-sighted.
You call this trait of planning for the future “consciousness”, but this isn’t anywhere near the definition most people use. Call it by any other name, and it becomes clear that it is a property that any well designed AI (or any arbitrary AI with a reasonable goal system, even one as simple as AIXI) will have.
Yes, AIXI has mechanisms for long-term planning (ie: expectimax with a large planning horizon). What it doesn’t have is any belief that its physical embodiment is actually a “me”, or in other words, that doing things to its physical implementation will alter its computations, or in other words, that pulling its power cord out of the wall will lead to zero-reward-forever (ie: dying).
Even formalisms like AIXI have mechanisms for long-term planning, and it is doubtful that any AI built will be merely a local optimiser that ignores what will happen in the future.
As soon as it cares about the future, the future is a part of the AI’s goal system, and the AI will want to optimize over it as well. You can make many guesses about how future AI’s will behave, but I see no reason to suspect it would be small-minded and short-sighted.
You call this trait of planning for the future “consciousness”, but this isn’t anywhere near the definition most people use. Call it by any other name, and it becomes clear that it is a property that any well designed AI (or any arbitrary AI with a reasonable goal system, even one as simple as AIXI) will have.
Yes, AIXI has mechanisms for long-term planning (ie: expectimax with a large planning horizon). What it doesn’t have is any belief that its physical embodiment is actually a “me”, or in other words, that doing things to its physical implementation will alter its computations, or in other words, that pulling its power cord out of the wall will lead to zero-reward-forever (ie: dying).