“I am a trained computer scientist” (which sounds pretty silly anyway—so you’ve been trained to do tricks for food, er, grants?)
Yes, that’s precisely it. I have been trained to do tricks for free food/grants/salary. Some of them are quite complicated tricks, involving things like walking into my adviser’s office and pretending I actually believe p-values of less than 5% mean anything at all when we have 26 data corpuses. Or hell, pretending I actually believe in frequentism.
Yes, that’s precisely it. I have been trained to do tricks for free food/grants/salary. Some of them are quite complicated tricks, involving things like walking into my adviser’s office and pretending I actually believe p-values of less than 5% mean anything at all when we have 26 data corpuses. Or hell, pretending I actually believe in frequentism.
Oh, good. Just keep practicing and soon you’ll be a bona fide member of the academic establishment :-P