Thus, one could have highly rational beliefs and make highly rational choices and still fail to win due to akrasia, lack of resources, lack of intelligence, and so on. Like intelligence and money, rationality is only a ceteris paribus predictor of success.
I disagree here. Akrasia, resources, and intelligence are all factors that should be taken into account by a rational agent. The reason rational agents don’t always win is the complexity of factors in the real world is too great to predict reliably, no matter how rational and intelligent you are. Rationality provides the best possible means of “balancing the odds”, but nothing can guarantee success.
I disagree here. Akrasia, resources, and intelligence are all factors that should be taken into account by a rational agent. The reason rational agents don’t always win is the complexity of factors in the real world is too great to predict reliably, no matter how rational and intelligent you are. Rationality provides the best possible means of “balancing the odds”, but nothing can guarantee success.