Certainly I find him the most likable character in HPMOR. I’m wondering if you can recall how much effort per screen time you put into him, compared to other characters.
Or maybe this is because I personally value skill, expertise and professionalism over “goodness” (E.g. Prof. Moriarty over Dr. Watson.)
I don’t find the original Moriarty likable, certainly. The original Holmes is not likable, either. However, I find them both equally worthy of respect. Watson is just an NPC.
Certainly I find him the most likable character in HPMOR. I’m wondering if you can recall how much effort per screen time you put into him, compared to other characters.
Or maybe this is because I personally value skill, expertise and professionalism over “goodness” (E.g. Prof. Moriarty over Dr. Watson.)
You find Moriarty likable? Which Moriarty? The original?
I don’t find the original Moriarty likable, certainly. The original Holmes is not likable, either. However, I find them both equally worthy of respect. Watson is just an NPC.