Alex Papadimoulis brings up an analogy to a carpenter building a shelving unit asking, “Which is best to drive nails? And old shoe or a glass bottle?” Advice at the operational level would be to compare and contrast the characteristics of shoes and glass bottles and try to determine which would be best to drive nails in this circumstance. Advice at the tactical level would be to say, “Go the hardware store and buy a hammer.” Advice at the strategic level would be to ask, “Why are you using nails here?” And finally, advice at the mission level would be, “Why are you even building a shelving unit?”
Alex Papadimoulis brings up an analogy to a carpenter building a shelving unit asking, “Which is best to drive nails? And old shoe or a glass bottle?” Advice at the operational level would be to compare and contrast the characteristics of shoes and glass bottles and try to determine which would be best to drive nails in this circumstance. Advice at the tactical level would be to say, “Go the hardware store and buy a hammer.” Advice at the strategic level would be to ask, “Why are you using nails here?” And finally, advice at the mission level would be, “Why are you even building a shelving unit?”