Econ and philosophy blogs tend to be relatively good. Or look among advocates of any unpopular but true (or at least sane) idea.
Dunno about that—Steve Sailer and Half Sigma (that InquilineKea mentioned, and that I also occasionally read) don’t seem to attract high-quality commenters.
I think a more important factor in comment quality is willingness to use the ban-hammer—Razib Khan goes to almost comical extremes when threatening to not publish uninformed comments, which means comments on Gene Expression tend to be quite good.
LessWrong achieves a similar effect with the Karma system.
Dunno about that—Steve Sailer and Half Sigma (that InquilineKea mentioned, and that I also occasionally read) don’t seem to attract high-quality commenters.
I think a more important factor in comment quality is willingness to use the ban-hammer—Razib Khan goes to almost comical extremes when threatening to not publish uninformed comments, which means comments on Gene Expression tend to be quite good.
LessWrong achieves a similar effect with the Karma system.