I think I do something like this or parts of it when I add things to my Anki deck.
It is less about individual words. I don’t try to remember these. I leave that up to Wikipedia or an appendix of my Anki note.
A note for your shortform may look like this
Tissues in the body have correspondence to....
… four proteins (GAGs/glycosaminoglycans) that code for these types of tissues:
Chondro = cartilage
derma = skin,
hepa = liver,
kera = fingernails
Thus cut means less splitting up and more cutting away. Elaboration mostly means googling the topic and adding relevant links. Öften when reviewing the note.
I think I do something like this or parts of it when I add things to my Anki deck.
It is less about individual words. I don’t try to remember these. I leave that up to Wikipedia or an appendix of my Anki note.
A note for your shortform may look like this
Tissues in the body have correspondence to....
… four proteins (GAGs/glycosaminoglycans) that code for these types of tissues:
Chondro = cartilage
derma = skin,
hepa = liver,
kera = fingernails
Thus cut means less splitting up and more cutting away. Elaboration mostly means googling the topic and adding relevant links. Öften when reviewing the note.