One particular category to spend luxury money on is “things you were constrained about as a child but aren’t actually that expensive”. What color clay do I want? ALL OF THEM. ESPECIALLY THE SHINY ONES. TODAY I WILL USE THE EXACT COLORS OF CLAY I WANT AND MAKE NO COMPROMISES.
Some caveats:
I imagine you have to be judicious about this, appeasing your inner child probably hits diminishing returns. But I did experience a particular feeling about “I used to have to prioritize to satisfy others’ constraints and now I can just do the thing.”
It’s probably better if you actually want the thing and will enjoy it for its own sake, rather than as merely a fuck you to childhood deprivation. I have actually been using the clay and having an abundance of colors really is increasing my joy.
One particular category to spend luxury money on is “things you were constrained about as a child but aren’t actually that expensive”. What color clay do I want? ALL OF THEM. ESPECIALLY THE SHINY ONES. TODAY I WILL USE THE EXACT COLORS OF CLAY I WANT AND MAKE NO COMPROMISES.
Some caveats:
I imagine you have to be judicious about this, appeasing your inner child probably hits diminishing returns. But I did experience a particular feeling about “I used to have to prioritize to satisfy others’ constraints and now I can just do the thing.”
It’s probably better if you actually want the thing and will enjoy it for its own sake, rather than as merely a fuck you to childhood deprivation. I have actually been using the clay and having an abundance of colors really is increasing my joy.