If you allow affirmation of My-Favorite-Idea to compensate for lack of rhythm in a song, lack of beauty in a painting, lack of poignancy in fiction, then your art will, inevitably, suck.
If you allow awesome graphics or cut scenes in a video game to compensate for weak gameplay, your game will, inevitably, suck.
If you allow awesome special effects in a movie to compensate for plot or character development, your movie will, inevitably, suck.
If you allow awesome graphics or cut scenes in a video game to compensate for weak gameplay, your game will, inevitably, suck.
If you allow awesome special effects in a movie to compensate for plot or character development, your movie will, inevitably, suck.
Bah. The existence of visual novels proves otherwise—and they consist entirely of cutscene!
I can give other examples, too.