A friend emailed me a comment I found helpful, which I am copying here with their permission:
“To me [your post] sounded a bit like a lot of people are experiencing symptoms similar to ADHD: both becoming hyperfocused on a specific thing and having a lot of habits falling apart. Makes sense conceptually if things labeled as emergencies damage our attention systems. I think it might have to do with a more general state of stress/future-shock where people have to go into exception-handling mode more often. As exceptions become normalized the systems of normal information processing fall apart and people become unable to orient. Anyway, a lot of this is probably really familiar stuff to you, but the ADHD-framing seems new to me, and it’s plausibly helpful to treat it with some similar interventions (eg things like exercise and robust systems/habits)”
A friend emailed me a comment I found helpful, which I am copying here with their permission:
“To me [your post] sounded a bit like a lot of people are experiencing symptoms similar to ADHD: both becoming hyperfocused on a specific thing and having a lot of habits falling apart. Makes sense conceptually if things labeled as emergencies damage our attention systems. I think it might have to do with a more general state of stress/future-shock where people have to go into exception-handling mode more often. As exceptions become normalized the systems of normal information processing fall apart and people become unable to orient. Anyway, a lot of this is probably really familiar stuff to you, but the ADHD-framing seems new to me, and it’s plausibly helpful to treat it with some similar interventions (eg things like exercise and robust systems/habits)”