You had me until you brought up Frankl. My take on that book was very different than yours apparently was.
I had a reaction of disgust. It seemed to me that between the lines of his writing he was boasting that his camp survival was proof of his intestinal fortitude and it seemed tasteless or tacky of him to be peeing on the graves of millions of victims like he was Achilles dragging Hector’s corpse around behind his chariot. If I did not have to read the book for a class I would not have finished it. That was a raw and visceral reaction which was so strong that even today, dozens of years later, I look askance at anybody using Frankl to buttress their arguments.
This is not rational of me. Perhaps I will have another look at Frankl’s book.
That picture of the dinner plate of shit in your first figure—is that a clip art or did you take that yourself?
“The import of an act lies not in what that act resembles on the surface, Mr. Potter, but in the states of mind which make that act more or less probable.”
What states of mind made such an inane and irrelevant question more probable?
(To answer the question you claim to be asking, use of Tineye would have lead you directly to Wikimedia Commons.)
You had me until you brought up Frankl. My take on that book was very different than yours apparently was.
I had a reaction of disgust. It seemed to me that between the lines of his writing he was boasting that his camp survival was proof of his intestinal fortitude and it seemed tasteless or tacky of him to be peeing on the graves of millions of victims like he was Achilles dragging Hector’s corpse around behind his chariot. If I did not have to read the book for a class I would not have finished it. That was a raw and visceral reaction which was so strong that even today, dozens of years later, I look askance at anybody using Frankl to buttress their arguments.
This is not rational of me. Perhaps I will have another look at Frankl’s book.
That picture of the dinner plate of shit in your first figure—is that a clip art or did you take that yourself?
To quote Quirrel,
What states of mind made such an inane and irrelevant question more probable?
(To answer the question you claim to be asking, use of Tineye would have lead you directly to Wikimedia Commons.)