I’m not sure that the intent was quite that harsh. “a crank and a fool” wasn’t in the original obit. To view Ettinger’s optimism as more in keeping with the zeitgeist of the 1960s than of the 2010s does not seem wholly unreasonable. Just in stark economic terms, U.S. real median household income peaked back in 1999. The median person in the U.S. has lost quite a lot over the last decade: income, security, access to health care, perhaps social status (as Vlaimir_M pointed out). It isn’t unreasonable of them to disbelieve in an improving future.
I’m not sure that the intent was quite that harsh. “a crank and a fool” wasn’t in the original obit. To view Ettinger’s optimism as more in keeping with the zeitgeist of the 1960s than of the 2010s does not seem wholly unreasonable. Just in stark economic terms, U.S. real median household income peaked back in 1999. The median person in the U.S. has lost quite a lot over the last decade: income, security, access to health care, perhaps social status (as Vlaimir_M pointed out). It isn’t unreasonable of them to disbelieve in an improving future.