I agree with what you say, but the rest of the discussion could go essentially unchanged if the line
Yes, definitely, if a few plausible assumptions turn out right.
were replaced with
“Perhaps, my best estimate of the odds are 1% or so”
(which would be my response in an analogous discussion)
I think that what seems to me to be the main point of the dialog,
“And what disease is this that you can somehow fight with a $28,000 necklace?” Mortality. “But … but … that’s not a disease!!!” Looks like someone gets tripped up by definitions a little too easily...
“And what disease is this that you can somehow fight with a $28,000 necklace?”
“But … but … that’s not a disease!!!”
Looks like someone gets tripped up by definitions a little too easily...
is fairly insensitive to a wide range of possible odds for cryonics working.
I agree with what you say, but the rest of the discussion could go essentially unchanged if the line
were replaced with
“Perhaps, my best estimate of the odds are 1% or so”
(which would be my response in an analogous discussion)
I think that what seems to me to be the main point of the dialog,
is fairly insensitive to a wide range of possible odds for cryonics working.