PSA: even if you don’t usually read Main, there have been several worthwhile posts there recently
A lot of people have said that they never look at Main, only Discussion. And indeed, LW’s Google Analytics stats say that Main only gets one-third of the views that Discussion does.
Because of this, I thought that I’d point out that December has been an unusually lively month for Main, with several high-quality posts that you may be interested in reading out if you haven’t already:
LessWrong 2.0 (Vaniver): discussion about what to do with LW in order to stop its decline. Different from previous discussions in that this time, MIRI and TrikeApps have agreed to make the changes that result from the discussion.
Why startup founders have mood swings (and why they may have uses) (AnnaSalamon and Duncan_Sabien): what the title says
Results of a One-Year Longitudinal Study of CFAR Alumni (Unnamed): CFAR has studied the impact of their workshops on people a year after taking the workshops, and have promising results.
The art of grieving well (Valentine): a beautiful and important post on the function of grief, and how to make the best out of it. A post intended for a sequence on “the sub-art of subconsciously seeking out and eliminating ugh fields and also eliminating the inclination to form them in the first place”.
European Community Weekend 2016 (nino): ECW2016 is confirmed to happen!
Why CFAR? The view from 2015 (PeteMichaud): a report on what CFAR has achieved in 2015, how it has changed, and what it will do in the future.
I tend to read
Much more handy to have one link to rule them all. Thanks.
You can use a good program like newsbeuter to fetch both main and discussion and also individual post as well.