Yeah, I don’t think many people outside North America would break up White into Hispanic and non-Hispanic. (At least, it didn’t say “Latino”—I didn’t find out what it’s supposed to mean until recently, and as a result, being Italian, I had classed myself as a Latino a few times.)
The US Census Bureau uses this odd system for historical/political reasons. I don’t think it reflects very much how Americans categorize the world. I don’t know why Yvain used it, I don’t think he’s even American.
Yeah, I don’t think many people outside North America would break up White into Hispanic and non-Hispanic. (At least, it didn’t say “Latino”—I didn’t find out what it’s supposed to mean until recently, and as a result, being Italian, I had classed myself as a Latino a few times.)
The survey says a lot about how Americans categorize the world. It might be more informational than the results.
The US Census Bureau uses this odd system for historical/political reasons. I don’t think it reflects very much how Americans categorize the world. I don’t know why Yvain used it, I don’t think he’s even American.