You do realize modern Western societies rejection of plenty of kinds of hating or loving that are strongly influenced by evolution are due to its complex contingent history no?
Yes. And other kinds of hating or loving or hating-of-loving are influenced more by evolution, e.g. the appearance of covert liaisons and jealousy in societies where such covertness is possible. Or the unsurprising fact that humans generally love their children and are protective of them.
I never said no kinds of loving or hating are arbitrary (or at least determined by complex contigent history). I do say that many kinds are not arbitrary.
(My previous comment seems to be incomplete. Some example is missing after “for instance”, I probably intended to add one and forgot. This comment provides the example.)
You do realize modern Western societies rejection of plenty of kinds of hating or loving that are strongly influenced by evolution are due to its complex contingent history no?
Yes. And other kinds of hating or loving or hating-of-loving are influenced more by evolution, e.g. the appearance of covert liaisons and jealousy in societies where such covertness is possible. Or the unsurprising fact that humans generally love their children and are protective of them.
I never said no kinds of loving or hating are arbitrary (or at least determined by complex contigent history). I do say that many kinds are not arbitrary.
(My previous comment seems to be incomplete. Some example is missing after “for instance”, I probably intended to add one and forgot. This comment provides the example.)