Is that two syllables or three? My mind refuses to accept the two-syllable pronunciation with a soft c, [dIskalst], as English; it rejects the -lst. But putting a vowel in there, [dIskalsEd], doesn’t seem right either, since the -ed suffix doesn’t normally have a vowel. Could you provide a phonetic transcription or recording?
Thanks for the vocabulary add. Not worth 10 karma, but do feel free to reply for an upvote. :)
What’s the pronunciation?
First “c” hard, second soft. (Compare “recalcitrant”, which shares some etymology.)
Is that two syllables or three? My mind refuses to accept the two-syllable pronunciation with a soft c, [dIskalst], as English; it rejects the -lst. But putting a vowel in there, [dIskalsEd], doesn’t seem right either, since the -ed suffix doesn’t normally have a vowel. Could you provide a phonetic transcription or recording?