Can anyone recommend a good book or long article on bargaining power? Note that I am NOT looking for biographies, how-to books, or self-help books that teach you how to negotiate. Biographies tend to be outliers, and how-to books tend to focus on the handful of easily changeable independent variables that can help you increase your bargaining power at the margins.
I am instead looking for an analysis of how people’s varying situations cause them to have more or less bargaining power, and possibly a discussion of what effects this might have on psychology, society, or economics.
By “bargaining power” I mean the ability to steer transactions toward one’s preferred outcome within a zone of win-win agreements. For example, if we are trapped on a desert island and I have a computer with satellite internet access and you have a hand-crank generator and we have nothing else on the island except that and our bathing suits and we are both scrupulously honest and non-violent, we will come to some kind of agreement about how to share our resources...but it is an open question whether you will pay me something of value, I will pay you something, or neither. Whoever has more bargaining power, by definition, will come out ahead in this transaction.
I’m currently reading Thomas Schelling’s Strategy of Conflict and it sounds like what you’re looking for here. From this Google Books Link to the table of contents you can sample some chapters.
Can anyone recommend a good book or long article on bargaining power? Note that I am NOT looking for biographies, how-to books, or self-help books that teach you how to negotiate. Biographies tend to be outliers, and how-to books tend to focus on the handful of easily changeable independent variables that can help you increase your bargaining power at the margins.
I am instead looking for an analysis of how people’s varying situations cause them to have more or less bargaining power, and possibly a discussion of what effects this might have on psychology, society, or economics.
By “bargaining power” I mean the ability to steer transactions toward one’s preferred outcome within a zone of win-win agreements. For example, if we are trapped on a desert island and I have a computer with satellite internet access and you have a hand-crank generator and we have nothing else on the island except that and our bathing suits and we are both scrupulously honest and non-violent, we will come to some kind of agreement about how to share our resources...but it is an open question whether you will pay me something of value, I will pay you something, or neither. Whoever has more bargaining power, by definition, will come out ahead in this transaction.
I’m currently reading Thomas Schelling’s Strategy of Conflict and it sounds like what you’re looking for here. From this Google Books Link to the table of contents you can sample some chapters.