If it wasn’t clear: Soylent Orange is more complex than Soylent itself; it runs several ingredients through a blender, and takes more effort than cooking some basic meals. And going from ‘hungry’ → ‘eat’ is something I have to specifically exert mental effort to do, so while this has been simpler and less effortful than my previous diet (and healthier), it has still been a significant distraction.
I didn’t seem to develop habits at my most recent job, either, but that lasted all of four months before they lost the budget for my position, so that’s not necessarily conclusive.
If it wasn’t clear: Soylent Orange is more complex than Soylent itself; it runs several ingredients through a blender, and takes more effort than cooking some basic meals. And going from ‘hungry’ → ‘eat’ is something I have to specifically exert mental effort to do, so while this has been simpler and less effortful than my previous diet (and healthier), it has still been a significant distraction.
I didn’t seem to develop habits at my most recent job, either, but that lasted all of four months before they lost the budget for my position, so that’s not necessarily conclusive.