We don’t really know enough about you to give direct recommendations, but a significant portion of lesswrong is dedicated to better decision making.
Make a quick 2-4 item list of your goals, what actually matters to you right now. Now use the six hat method goal by goal to find out if that lump sum will significantly help you achieve any of those goals. Should nothing past muster, offload some decision fatigue and drop it in a fire and forget savings account/RRSP.
We don’t really know enough about you to give direct recommendations, but a significant portion of lesswrong is dedicated to better decision making.
Make a quick 2-4 item list of your goals, what actually matters to you right now. Now use the six hat method goal by goal to find out if that lump sum will significantly help you achieve any of those goals. Should nothing past muster, offload some decision fatigue and drop it in a fire and forget savings account/RRSP.