I believe these evaluations in unlearning miss a critical aspect: they benchmark on deleting i.i.d samples or a specific class, instead of adversarially manipulated/chosen distributions. This might fool us to believe unlearning methods work as shown in our paper both theoretically (Theorem 1) and empirically. The same failure mode holds for interpretability, which is a similar argument as the motivation to study across the whole distribution in the recent Copy Suppression paper.
I believe these evaluations in unlearning miss a critical aspect: they benchmark on deleting i.i.d samples or a specific class, instead of adversarially manipulated/chosen distributions. This might fool us to believe unlearning methods work as shown in our paper both theoretically (Theorem 1) and empirically. The same failure mode holds for interpretability, which is a similar argument as the motivation to study across the whole distribution in the recent Copy Suppression paper.