You consider Pascal’s wager a compelling argument for atheism. Sure, being a Christian might give you a shot at eternal life, but that’s nothing compared to chance of flimple utlitions.
You want a career that gives back to the world. So you quit your job as inner-city schoolteacher to become an investment banker..
After landing a six-figure salary at Goldman Sachs, you become frustrated with your paltry wages. So you fly to Australia to get a job busing tables.
Second, if you hear about two or more Flimples, the first one you hear about is lexicographically greater than any others.
We could make a really nice Pascal’s wager Ponzi scheme from this. Paypal Eliezer $5, then replace his name with your own and post it on as many forums as you can find...
You consider Pascal’s wager a compelling argument for atheism. Sure, being a Christian might give you a shot at eternal life, but that’s nothing compared to chance of flimple utlitions.
You want a career that gives back to the world. So you quit your job as inner-city schoolteacher to become an investment banker..
After landing a six-figure salary at Goldman Sachs, you become frustrated with your paltry wages. So you fly to Australia to get a job busing tables.
We could make a really nice Pascal’s wager Ponzi scheme from this. Paypal Eliezer $5, then replace his name with your own and post it on as many forums as you can find...
This is my favorite of these so far by a comfortable margin.
I had five more of these, but they keep the site keeps garbling them and I need to get to bed.