The Tortoise’s mind needs the dynamic of adding Y to the belief pool when X and (X→Y) are previously in the belief pool. If this dynamic is not present—a rock, for example, lacks it—then you can go on adding in X and (X→Y) and (X⋀(X→Y))→Y until the end of eternity, without ever getting to Y.
This appears to be a circular argument.
Maybe we could honestly accept than impossible demands of rigor are indeed impossible. And focus on what is possible.
This is why I wrote this:
I understand that this has no decision-making value.
Maybe we could honestly accept than impossible demands of rigor are indeed impossible. And focus on what is possible.
You can’t convince a rock to agree with you on something. There is still some chance with humans.
This appears to be a circular argument.
This is why I wrote this: