I don’t mean to be rude to the fellow, but my current understanding of why Chalmers (main Qualia theorist) says qualia are what he says they are is isomorphic to Lee Smolin’s critique of string theorists.
They become string theorists because of sociological reasons. It is the part of physics in which high intelligence is recompensated faster.
Chalmers took a polarized view so that the rest of what he defends became visible. It worked fantastically well.
EDIT: in the link above I suggest a reading of the article “The Content and Epistemology of Phenomenal Belief” by Chalmers. It is the one in which this possible case is most easily visible. It is the case in which inconsistencies in the Chalmerian definition are most visible.
I don’t mean to be rude to the fellow, but my current understanding of why Chalmers (main Qualia theorist) says qualia are what he says they are is isomorphic to Lee Smolin’s critique of string theorists. They become string theorists because of sociological reasons. It is the part of physics in which high intelligence is recompensated faster. Chalmers took a polarized view so that the rest of what he defends became visible. It worked fantastically well. http://lesswrong.com/lw/58d/how_not_to_be_a_na%C3%AFve_computationalist/
EDIT: in the link above I suggest a reading of the article “The Content and Epistemology of Phenomenal Belief” by Chalmers. It is the one in which this possible case is most easily visible. It is the case in which inconsistencies in the Chalmerian definition are most visible.