Other: I hold a Tegmark-style “all mathematical objects exist” view, but additionally hold that this requires promoting the type of the “exists” property from boolean-valued to real-valued, so that this becomes “all mathematical objects have nonzero degree of existence”, and most ordinary usages of the word “exists” pick up an implied “as a substructure of” relation to some set of universes. This “as a substructure of” relation excludes platonic objects when present, so nominalism vs. platonism reduces to the word “exists” being a pair of homonyms.
Other: I hold a Tegmark-style “all mathematical objects exist” view, but additionally hold that this requires promoting the type of the “exists” property from boolean-valued to real-valued, so that this becomes “all mathematical objects have nonzero degree of existence”, and most ordinary usages of the word “exists” pick up an implied “as a substructure of” relation to some set of universes. This “as a substructure of” relation excludes platonic objects when present, so nominalism vs. platonism reduces to the word “exists” being a pair of homonyms.
Augustinian!!!!!! hssss