Seeing as the universe itself, on it’s most fundamental level seems to lack any absolutes, i.e. that it is purely a locality question, and that the only constants seem to be the ones embedded in the laws of physics, I am having trouble believing in absolute morality.
Like, of the “I am confused by this” variety.
To paraphrase “there is no term for fairness in the equations of general relativity.” You cannot derive morality from the absolute laws of the universe. You probably cannot even do it from mathematical truth.
Seeing as the universe itself, on it’s most fundamental level seems to lack any absolutes, i.e. that it is purely a locality question, and that the only constants seem to be the ones embedded in the laws of physics, I am having trouble believing in absolute morality.
Like, of the “I am confused by this” variety.
To paraphrase “there is no term for fairness in the equations of general relativity.” You cannot derive morality from the absolute laws of the universe. You probably cannot even do it from mathematical truth.
You might want to read Least Convenient Possible World.