I fantasize about horrific situations to subject fictional characters to. This I recently recognized as being due to my long-term work on decompartmentalizing new information. Essentially I find rules of the fictional realm, put them together in ways not intended by the original author, and get the small rush of self-congratulations for “taking an idea to its logical conclusion.” This results in being “too realistic” for many fantasy settings. On the other hand, it is why rationalist fiction so pleases me—it reminds me of how I think!
An author, possibly Howard Taylor, said his method for writing was to: set up a situation, have everything go as badly as possible then try and find a way out of it.
I fantasize about horrific situations to subject fictional characters to. This I recently recognized as being due to my long-term work on decompartmentalizing new information. Essentially I find rules of the fictional realm, put them together in ways not intended by the original author, and get the small rush of self-congratulations for “taking an idea to its logical conclusion.” This results in being “too realistic” for many fantasy settings. On the other hand, it is why rationalist fiction so pleases me—it reminds me of how I think!
Depending on what you mean by “horrific situation” you may have a psychological condition known as “author”.
An author, possibly Howard Taylor, said his method for writing was to: set up a situation, have everything go as badly as possible then try and find a way out of it.
Oh, hey. You write fanfiction too, right? I think I recognize your name.